ErnestThornhill skalavagr wait until Qubes is available for the V54 series from NovaCustoms.
It already is...
My fault, I meant coreboot+Heads.
missing-root So Nitropad NV41 is also an option.
The NV41 has no Boot Guard. The V54/V56 will have Boot Guard + Heads support which would make it better regarding boot security.
DeletedUser42 NitroPC / Novacustom NV56 is good for you.
for NitroPC same as above
ryrona As much as I like NovaCustom, they are freedom first, not security first. All their hardware lack TME and NovaCustom BIOS does not implement BootGuard yet, even if it is a planned feature likely coming in half a year or so. They are aiming to reach the highest security levels, but with a purely open source BIOS, but they are still behind well-maintained professional proprietary BIOSes by quite a bit. So I am not certain that is what OP wants.
NovaCustoms is far from perfect but in my opinion it is the best option for running QubesOS since all other Hardware has no boot security or is outdated like the X230. Trenchboot could solve this issue in future but for the near future a V54 or V56 will be the best option.