Hi all,
first of all, sorry if this is a duplicate thread, but I did not find any other one talking exactly about this issues.
I've experienced this problem since march, with every software update, but I'm writing about it only now.

The first issue what with adb: I randomly had a notification about "adbd has crashed" while not even using adb or having the phone connected to anything. Since I disabled USB debug from the developer options the problem seems to have disappeared; but I still would like to know what caused it (find a logcat attached below).

Next one, and by far the most annoying is the camera crash. At first, I was using the Google Camera, and like every two days, when I tried to open the app, it immediately crashed and crash notification appeared; after closing and reopening the app, it worked perfectly; but as I said the problem kept continuously reappearing. I thought it was a Google Camera problem, so I started using the system camera. But the crashes kept occurring. I get a new crash once a week, happening sometimes why I open the camera, and I don't know why (find a logcat attached below). Again, after reopening the app it works perfectly, but it is annoying since one may want to capture that "vanishing moment" with the camera, and that's when it crashed (Murphy's law :D).

Then a few days ago I found a very amusing crash that I did not know was even possible. I was unlocking my phone with my fingerprint: I placed my finger on the scanner area, and all of a sudden the white circle on the area disappeared, and below it appeared a message saying "the fingerprint scanner is not available at the moment". I thought my fingerprint scanner had a hardware failure, but after unlocking the phone with my PIN a "android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint-service.goodix has crashed" notification appeared (find logcat attached below). After locking my phone, the fingerprint sensor started working perfectly again, and has been doing so since then.
What could have caused the issue? It does not seem like a hardware problem, but I'm not qualified enough to say so.

So, as you see, these are all system app. I'm not even going to start talking about the copious amount of apps that periodically crash every time I open them since I enabled MTE system-wide. And I'm not referring to poorly coded apps like whatsapp of some rando's google play spyware app. Even "reputable" ones like Proton's apps crash periodically, along with many others.

Now, I know that the GOS developers put a lot of work in developing this amazing operating system, and I am truly grateful to them. But is this the life we have to live with to have a secure mobile OS? Like, are the periodic camera crashes normal expected behaviour, and a compromise one shall make to have a secure OS, or are they happening only to me? I am genuinely interested, since I don't know if there are any other users experiencing this issues, or if the developers even know about them.

Any support is appreciated. Thank you.


  1. Google camera:
type: crash
osVersion: google/shiba/shiba:14/AP1A.240405.002.B1/2024050300:user/release-keys
uid: 1000 (u:r:hal_camera_default:s0)
cmdline: /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/bin/hw/android.hardware.camera.provider@2.7-service-google
processUptime: 0s

abortMessage: Check failed: it != this->end() 

signal: 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)
threadName: RunnerN:P+:A:5
MTE: enabled

    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168, pc 680f8)
    /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_default_aborter+16, pc 6350)
    /apex/com.android.vndk.v35/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+356, pc 1a234)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 9c7d40)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 9c56d4)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 9c50e4)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 9c2b24)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 9b69e4)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 9b6c78)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc ccf3c8)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc ccbc90)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc f55b50)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc f7d774)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc f7f078)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc f30a30)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 85dda0)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 447f88)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 447ec8)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+204, pc d5e6c)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68, pc 69a64)
  1. System (grapheneos' own) camera:
type: crash
osVersion: google/shiba/shiba:14/AP2A.240805.005/2024080600:user/release-keys
uid: 1000 (u:r:hal_camera_default:s0)
cmdline: /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/bin/hw/android.hardware.camera.provider@2.7-service-google
processUptime: 0s

abortMessage: Check failed: it != this->end() 

signal: 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)
threadName: RunnerN:P+:A:6
MTE: not enabled

    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168, pc 66ac8)
    /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_default_aborter+16, pc 6360)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+352, pc 171a0)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc bbb840)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc bb9900)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc bb8bd4)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc bb6524)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc ba9f24)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc bab62c)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 92b03c)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc f702a0)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc fad324)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc faeda8)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc f4b500)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc aa9610)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 5f77a8)
    /apex/com.google.pixel.camera.hal/lib64/liblyric_hwl.so (pc 5f76e8)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+204, pc 795dc)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68, pc 69fa4)
  1. Fingerprint sensor crash:
type: crash
osVersion: google/shiba/shiba:14/AP2A.240805.005/2024080600:user/release-keys
uid: 1000 (u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0)
cmdline: /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint-service.goodix
processUptime: 1078032s

signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code 9 (SEGV_MTESERR), faultAddr f00c82e4f7c7390
threadName: android.hardwar
MTE: enabled

    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libutils.so (android::SharedBuffer::attemptEdit() const+0, pc f330)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libutils.so (android::VectorImpl::editArrayImpl()+32, pc 11dc0)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::EventCenter::hasUpEvt()+28, pc 6223c)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::DelmarSensor::checkFingerUp(unsigned int)+24, pc 4d074)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::DelmarSensor::readImage(unsigned int, unsigned long)+232, pc 4cb64)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::CustomizedSensor::readImage(unsigned int, unsigned long)+12, pc 68eec)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::DelmarFingerprintCore::onAfterAuthCapture(goodix::FingerprintCore::AuthenticateContext*)+76, pc 4b0cc)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::CustomizedFingerprintCore::onAfterAuthCapture(goodix::FingerprintCore::AuthenticateContext*)+304, pc 582e0)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::FingerprintCore::onAuthDownEvt()+1200, pc 5dcb0)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::FingerprintCore::onEvent(gf_event_type_t)+88, pc 5ec28)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::EventCenter::dispatchEvent(gf_event_type_t)+164, pc 61cc4)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::EventCenter::threadLoop()+208, pc 623e0)
    /apex/com.google.android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint/lib64/libgf_hal.so (goodix::Thread::sthreadLoop(void*)+28, pc 60e8c)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+204, pc 795dc)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68, pc 69fa4)
  1. adbd crash:
type: crash
osVersion: google/shiba/shiba:14/AP2A.240705.005/2024071200:user/release-keys
uid: 2000 (u:r:adbd:s0)
cmdline: /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd --root_seclabel=u:r:su:s0
processUptime: 26106s

abortMessage: failed to delete fd 19 from JDWP epoll fd: Bad file descriptor

signal: 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)
threadName: jdwp control
MTE: enabled

    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+168, pc 66ac8)
    /apex/com.android.adbd/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+16, pc 16030)
    /apex/com.android.adbd/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::SetAborter(std::1::function<void (char const*)>&&)::$_0::invoke(char const*)+84, pc 17f74)
    /apex/com.android.adbd/lib64/libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+356, pc 17414)
    /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd (adbconnection_listen(void (*)(int, ProcessInfo))+1568, pc 119980)
    /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd (void* std::1::thread_proxy<std::1::tuple<std::1::unique_ptr<std::1::thread_struct, std::1::default_delete<std::1::__thread_struct> >, init_jdwp()::$_0> >(void*)+172, pc 116cfc)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+204, pc 795dc)
    /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68, pc 69fa4)


    But is this the life we have to live with to have a secure mobile OS? Like, are the periodic camera crashes normal expected behaviour, and a compromise one shall make to have a secure OS,

    Nope. Not at all. Personally experienced no crashes so far touch wood on a P7 Pro I've had 2-3 years.

    or are they happening only to me? I am genuinely interested, since I don't know if there are any other users experiencing this issues, or if the developers even know about them.

    Camera crash (TLDR seems to be a hardware issue?):

    Fingerprint crash:

    adbd crash:

      I'm also on shiba (P8) with MTE enabled and never experienced crashes related to it in system apps.
      Your system uptime is almost 2 weeks (12+ days), does it happen on a freshly booted device as well?

        23Sha-ger I wasn't paying attention to when the crashes appeared, but if I remember correctly some time ago a camera crash occurred after a few hours of having rebooted the device. I'll now pay attention and report back when such a thing happens.

        Same camera crash here (very similar log). I've been on stock for a few weeks and camera now working flawlessly. But most people here claim it's always hardware...

        The constant camera crashes is what made me go back to stock. I could put up with the other bugs but that was the one that occurred almost all the time

        You can report the problem to the Github issues.
        The problem seems to be related to /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so. Maybe you did some changes to it with adb? I do not know. Btw developer options is not recommended.