I was thinking about a recommendation site by u (the team) to guide people to make the right choices for themselves. It can be quite difficult to get on the right paths and not be blended by all the theatre and misinformations out there. I know threat modelling is very important but for many people it can by very difficult to understand the complexity of each topic and other misleading voices are lout.
So a easy guide started by a trusted party like u might be a good idea.
It can be categorized so the people can find themselves faster, for example:
- Degoogle only
- Whistleblower
- Journalist
- Etc.
And i though it can be helpful to guide people with toggle and settings they might consider to change and with should be untouched like system apps permission. (Many of them are shown by default even if u don't go to the burger menu and click "show system")
Or which vanadium settings should stay on default to stay within the crowd.
And this can be made for each category.
On top a not recommended approach could be helpful too, so people can easy stay away from bad actor's with misleading marketing.
I think that would benefit the forum as well.