I've recently started using Reddit, and I am fed up with the "Do you want to open in the reddit app" popup. Uh, no, because I don't, and won't, install the app. Apparently there used to be a tick box in their page settings to turn it off, but no more. Is there something I can tweak in Vanadium? I use a VPN and that seems to stop ads etc, but not this nonsense

I use a two step solution:

  • use the prefix 'old' in place of 'www' for all reddit links. I don't know the history of it; but for whatever the reason(s), it tremendously improves the presentation of the posts

  • I read reddit within Tor browser. A convenient way both to install it and monitor it for updates is through FFUpdater


  • [deleted]

On Reddit I mostly use RedReader. About the only time I use a browser is when I want to block someone.