When prompted to install the stable 2024060400 update yesterday on my Pixel 6, I rebooted the phone as asked, but then wasn't requested to enter the PIN, which is strange and haven't happened before, as I have to enter it after every reboot. This morning I've received 2024060500, but this time I was asked to enter the PIN as usual.

Is it possible that I wasn't asked to enter PIN due to a bug? If yes, this seems like a security related problem.

If it didn't ask for your PIN, you wouldn't have been able to access the data.

You're misremembering what happened.

Oops, I forgot to mention some details. After restarting, I'm always asked to enter the SIM PIN, and the phone's PIN. Afterwards, I can unlock the phone with my fingerprint.

This time, however, after restarting I've entered SIM PIN, and instead of phone's PIN, I had to use my fingerprint, which wasn't supposed to happen.

I'm sure of this and am not misremembering.

    uthunku That would only be possible if it wasn't an actual reboot. If something crashed, the device can "soft reboot", which is to say the UI crashes and reboots, but an actual reboot doesn't take place. There is no other way that a secondary unlock method would be presented to you after an actual reboot.