• [deleted]

Hi everyone,

I just installed GrapheneOS to try on pixel 6 today.

So far my only issue is YouTube app closes immediately when I try to open the app every time. Downloaded with aurora store.

Most the time with no error. But I managed to get this error:

type: crash
osVersion: google/oriole/oriole:13/TP1A.221005.002/2022100300:user/release-keys
package: com.google.android.youtube:1531958720
process: com.google.android.youtube

java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider com.google.android.gsf.gservices for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority
at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3021)
at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:3005)
at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2981)
at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2923)
at android.content.IContentService$Stub$Proxy.registerContentObserver(IContentService.java:1032)
at android.content.ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(ContentResolver.java:2754)
at android.content.ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(ContentResolver.java:2696)
at nfg.j(PG:3)
at nfg.e(PG:1)
at uxt.f(PG:1)
at eju.run(PG:172)
at tbw.run(PG:7)
at ntt.run(PG:23)
at ndc.run(PG:8)
at spi.run(PG:68)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012)
Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:
at com.android.server.content.ContentService.registerContentObserver(ContentService.java:376)
at android.content.IContentService$Stub.onTransact(IContentService.java:486)
at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1302)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1265)

Any help would be appreciated!

YouTube expects gsf to be installed apparently based on the error. Install it and try again. Use Apps app to install it. Let us know if that works.

    I have google play (3 apps) installed and have no issues with YouTube.

    Depending on your usage and needs, if you don't want to install gsf you may find NewPipe an acceptable substitute for YouTube

      • [deleted]

      • Edited

      nrt Hi NRT, I installed Google Services Framework from the GrapheneOS APP app, but YouTube still does the same thing and I can't get an error message to show up yet... It just closes immediately :(

      If I can get an error message ill post here ASAP

        • [deleted]

        BHydden Hi BHydden, thank you for your response. I actually do have NewPipe installed and like it a lot but I use chromecast a lot too to display on TV sometimes :(

        Does installing Google Services Framework compromise my privacy at all? Or is it minimal

          • [deleted]

          BHydden I did re-install and rebooted too and same thing :(

          [deleted] AIUI, all 3 are fairly safe since they run sandboxed and unprivileged. I believe of the 3 gsf is also the safest. I think it can function with network privileges revoked too but I don't personally use them so the details are a little fuzzy for me.

            • [deleted]

            BHydden Thank you! I wonder if I need to install all 3 for it to work

              • [deleted]

              • Edited

              BHydden Thanks BHydden, I installed all 3 items from the APP app. YouTube and Chromecast are working now! I was also able to disable network permission for 2 of the 3 items, but one of them was needed for Chromecast to work.

              I will also check out that link!

              Thank you everyone for your help.

              Hulk changed the title to YouTube app requires Sandboxed Google Play .