Hi GrapheneOS-Team and community,

I ported my phone number from one provider to another in the same country and also got a new SIM card for that. After putting in the new card (with the ported number), I still see the "old" network provider name in the right top of the phone and also in the "SIM status" and in the phone info *#*#4636#*#*.
I'm not experience any other issues than seeing the old network name, VoLTE etc. is working fine, the old one hasn't supported it.
I tried to "Reset mobile network settings" but that changed nothing.
Maybe it is a caching issue because the number is the same, but I have no clue how to reset that without wiping the whole phone. I also put the SIM card in another Pixel phone and there I can see the correct new network name.

Does anyone have a tip for me? It could be an upstream issue.
Imho it could also be a security issue if someone physically changes/ports the number and the phone still show the old network name.

How can I help to investigate this issue?


Question- does the new network operate it's own towers or is it an MVNO? If it leases towers from your old provider often the provider that operates the towers will be listed.

Hi, the current provider has his own towers and the old provider was a MVNO from the new one, so both used the same towers.

    May be worth taking SIM card out and then resetting network settings if you have not already tried that.

    What is your security concern? Clearly this is a bug related to the network name being cached, but I cant really think how this indicates a security issue.

    • F0g replied to this.

      Carlos-Anso May be worth taking SIM card out and then resetting network settings if you have not already tried that.

      Hi Carlos, tried that also, didn't helped, also resetting wifi/bluetooth.

      I thought of a risk if someone personal with access to the phone (familie/friends etc.) could port the phone number e.g. to an other provider where he can have access administrative the provider portal and trick the phone owner that he think of still using the old provider (I know its a long shot and maybe not practical, but who knows).