VerifyingOrganizer Hi, I've noticed for the last week or more there is no smooth transition between normal and Night Light and Extra dim modes. Do you know if something changes or it's just a regression bug? Best wishes
other8026 VerifyingOrganizer I still have a smooth transition. It's possible you've changed some setting causing that. Unsure of what setting it could be, but if you have developer options on, try disabling that to start.
VerifyingOrganizer I used to have a problem with brightness flickering just before the screen dimmed, but after a reboot it looks like all the problems are gone. Thank you for your reply.
VerifyingOrganizer @other8026 you could make a topic Resolved, because I can't find a way to set the tag
UndercoverBozo it will come back and definitely not solved but if you search here there's tons of display/color/light bug posts. For me toggling the color mode usually helps reset without a reboot.
VerifyingOrganizer UndercoverBozo In my case toggling was not enough, but reboot solved the problem for now
router99 On my previous phone, I used the Twilight app. I miss the long transition of the screen from normal to night colors.