Dear fellow GrapheneOS users,
I recently installed GOS on a Pixel 8 and, for now I am very very pleased it. However, I've noticed some (possibly) buggy behaviour, but I do not know if it's my problem or not. I have GOS Android 14 build 2024030900 with localisation in another languages. I installed the build from the official website with the installed, with no modification of my own.

  1. Some settings are only discoverable through "search" function, and are NOT directly accessible by manually going through sub-menus. E.g. I cannot find the "battery manager" option (the one that activates doze mode); one would want to find in as a sub-menu in the "Battery" main menu.

  2. Related to #1, the "battery optimisation" sub-menu, where one can restrict or unrestrict battery usage for apps, ( to always receive notification, for example), cannot be found anywhere, not even through searching. The only way I can access it is if an app specifically asks me to "disable battery optimization", and then by clicking on the message I access the sub-menu; otherwise it's completely inaccessible for me. Note that there is a very similar menu in settings > apps > "app battery usage" for a list of all apps that are "optimized", "without restrictions", etc., but this in NOT the menu that allows one to change background optimization only (see screenshots 1 and 2 attached; note that the menu I'm looking for is the one where it says "Optimising battery use" under every app).

  3. Related to #2, where searching for "optim" or "optimization" or "optimisation" in the settings' search field does not yield anything -> if I want to search for "Battery optimisation" I have to search for battery, and them search for battery optimisation. Why is this the case? Why can I only search for certain words, and not others?

  4. Under Settings > Wallpaper and style, under "More lock screen option" there's the wording "Privacy Now playing and more", but of course "Now Playing" is only a Pixel proprietary feature (as per my knowledge), and isn't even present in the AOSP to begin with. So why is it wrongly listed as a setting?

  5. I activated the option to turn off Wi-Fi after X minutes. My understanding of this is that if my phone no longer in the receiving range of a saved Wi-Fi network, it will disable the Wi-Fi entirely, even if there are other Wi-Fi networks, like public ones, available in the range; is that correct? If so, mine i buggy. I tried with 30 seconds, 2 minutes and 5 minutes, but only two times it did turn off Wi-Fi, the others it stayed on, and I'm pretty sure that there weren't any saved Wi-Fi networks in my range because I have only one saved, and I was very far away from it.

  6. In the Wi-Fi quick setting button, their is a graphical bug with the button "Share wi-fi password": only the first letter is visible (tried this in multiple localisation, and it is always messed up).

These are minor inconveniences for an all in all pretty polished and pleasant OS to use, but I wanted to report them if only to understand if there's a problem in my build or this is the case for everyone.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
img3 ("now playing"):

8 days later

Since build 2024031100 I haven't got any more issue with WiFi auto turn-off, so that is solved. Thank your for your work.
The other points still remain valid.

I couldn't find number 2 on your list for a while either. The tittle of the toggle for the "Allow background usage" can be pressed which opens the old menu that you're expecting.