ZGrapheneOS Not too sure how to add to that, however I will say this:
Completely anecdotal on my side, I don't have any statistics on this myself. However, I will say from what I have seen in my time discussing experiences with people who have experienced TA-CSA (technology assisted child sex abuse), most of the time they are targeted by people using very privacy unfriendly services.
Instagram, facebook, twitter, etc. Services that, by all accounts, offer very little in terms of privacy.
These platforms have, and do, use this privacy unfriendliness to implement child safety measures yet so many of them fall flat. (it's a hard problem to solve I won't give too much shit on them for that)
Ironically the least privacy respecting services are used for, in my opinion, most of the crime these politicians complain so much about. Makes you think...
In other words: College kids buy their Adderall using snapchat and cashapp, not signal and XMR. Our government is focusing on policies that make everyones lives more unsafe, for stopping crimes in places it doesn't happen in.
We moved a bit off topic, apologies...