gojuxs I'm gonna install grapheneos in a few days, what's the most privacy-friendly way of installing apps like facebook or messenger?
Orphee gojuxs only use webapp... Open Vanadium, login with it, and from vanadium, create a desktop shortcut/app. Never install their app... or maybe try the "Friendly for xxx" app available on the playstore.
BHydden gojuxs Facebook can be accessed through Tor as one option facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion/
Hulk gojuxs Hello! Using Sandboxed Google Play is a secure and convenient way of installing third-party apps and keeping them up-to-date. Please read the official documentation: https://grapheneos.org/usage#sandboxed-google-play
gojuxs Orphee sadly I don't think messenger works via browser I've found alternatives for every other platform and if I hadn't I could just stop using them but messenger is the one everyone around me uses
Welteam gojuxs You can use messenger from the "Frost for facebook" app which is originally a facebook wrapper. The usability is sub optimal and while you can start a discussion with a friend, you can't create group chats and don't get notification. Outside from that, it pretty much works.
obsin I know there's "Messenger Lite" as an alternative without all the extra crap, but probably still not ideal.