I'm gonna install grapheneos in a few days, what's the most privacy-friendly way of installing apps like facebook or messenger?

    gojuxs only use webapp...
    Open Vanadium, login with it, and from vanadium, create a desktop shortcut/app.

    Never install their app... or maybe try the "Friendly for xxx" app available on the playstore.

      Orphee sadly I don't think messenger works via browser I've found alternatives for every other platform and if I hadn't I could just stop using them but messenger is the one everyone around me uses

        Orphee sadly not possible, if it was just relatives it would be easy.

        gojuxs Facebook can be accessed through Tor as one option


        6 days later

        I know there's "Messenger Lite" as an alternative without all the extra crap, but probably still not ideal.

        gojuxs You can use messenger from the "Frost for facebook" app which is originally a facebook wrapper. The usability is sub optimal and while you can start a discussion with a friend, you can't create group chats and don't get notification. Outside from that, it pretty much works.