I don't have sandboxed play install. Whenever I download and open a music player on my phone (i.e. Metro, Symphony, etc.) it just says "0 songs found", I've tried putting my music in Downloads, root, Music... Pretty much everywhere. I've tried adding Music and Audio permission, I've tried adding every single folder to the music (in various places) through Storage Scopes... I just have no idea what there is left to do.

Also, if a mod is reading this, is it possible to get my handle back from my old account that I "deleted"?


    Thank you for your response.

    • Primary.
    • MP4.

    MPV does work for me, but I want shuffle. I downloaded MPV as a Termux package, and put my music in my Termux Music directory, and just run "mpv [playlist]/* --shuffle" but I just wish my music ran through Symphony.

    The MPV F-Droid package also works, but it doesn't have shuffle.

    This only applies for players fetching the music libraries in strange ways. Normal players immediately work


    Mp4 is a video container normally. I had m4a audio recordings, those too did not appear in normal players. You may be lucky with VLC, or just use files with normal audio containers like ogg