I'm currently using a OtterBox Defender. Great case no big issues with overheating unless I'm doing video conferencing. Does anyone know of or is there a recommendation for a breathable case? Anyone who uses video chat I would appreciate the recommendation

So I took my case off to Duo with my daughter and it did nothing for the temp. I guess just live with it. Does anyone know what temperature is really bad for the battery. I've read the online recommendations but they always seem to live in a safety zone when giving numbers. I'm getting to 109°. Should I be that concerned?

How long is it taking before the overheating warning or issues kick in during video conferencing? I can try to replicate with a family members stock Pixel 6.

Could maybe compare with my Pixel 6a to see if the materials make any difference.

    MetropleX It takes about 15 minutes to reach 110°. I'm not getting any warning or anything. That's why I'm curious if it's really hurting anything. I'm using the paid version of Device