
  • Joined Aug 14, 2022
  • I contacted the developers, and they said that they're using Google App Integrity, that might be the issue.

    • treequell Yes, I tried with and without that setting enabled, both didn't change the situation unfortunately.

    • Hi there,

      I'd love to use the app "ch.antavi.zf" from the Play store. While installing and opening works, it doesn't show the expected content. To verify that this app isn't broken per se, I installed it on another Android device and it worked just fine.

      To get a feeling what's going on, I fired up "adb logcat" and found a few suspects:

      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: failed creating starting window content at taskId: 6434
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Drawable ch.antavi.zf:drawable/launch_background with resource ID #0x7f070072
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/bM.xml from drawable resource ID #0x7f070072
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.loadDrawableForCookie(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.loadDrawable(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawable(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawableForDensity(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.Context.getDrawable(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at$$ExternalSyntheticLambda7.getAsInt(R8$$SyntheticClass:6)
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at$$$$SyntheticClass:22)
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: Caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Binary XML file line #10: <bitmap> requires a valid 'src' attribute
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.loadXmlDrawable(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.loadDrawableForCookie(
      07-07 20:45:36.565  2843  2968 W ShellStartingWindow: 	... 15 more
      07-07 20:45:36.583 14721 14721 W Zygote  : Can't access app profile directory: /data_mirror/cur_profiles/0/ch.antavi.zf
      07-07 20:45:37.731  1663  2757 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=902, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10265 RequestorUid: 10265 RequestorPkg: ch.antavi.zf UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
      07-07 20:45:37.741 14721 14845 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(121) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
      07-07 20:45:37.745 14721 14850 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(129) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
      07-07 20:45:37.763  3806 14638 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: Socket closed
      07-07 20:45:37.763  3806 14638 W Conscrypt: 	at (190400-544099984):2)
      07-07 20:45:37.763  3806 14638 W Conscrypt: 	at (190400-544099984):0)
      07-07 20:45:39.624 14721 14811 W Firestore: (24.6.0) [Firestore]: Listen for Query(target=Query(ch.antavi.zf/app/feeds_low_frequency order by -ts, -__name__);limitType=LIMIT_TO_FIRST) failed: j1{code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null}
      07-07 20:45:39.626 14721 14811 W Firestore: (24.6.0) [Firestore]: Listen for Query(target=Query(ch.antavi.zf/app/feeds order by -ts, -__name__);limitType=LIMIT_TO_FIRST) failed: j1{code=PERMISSION_DENIED, description=Missing or insufficient permissions., cause=null}
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: [cloud_firestore/permission-denied] The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : pid: 14721, tid: 14767, name 1.ui
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : os: android arch: arm64 comp: yes sim: no
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : build_id: '349b9003a215a0b2af40333af6ac62d6'
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : isolate_dso_base: 5d42a22000, vm_dso_base: 5d42a22000
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : isolate_instructions: 5d42c17d00, vm_instructions: 5d42c12000
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #00 abs 0000005d4308b917 virt 0000000000669917 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x473c17
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #01 abs 0000005d430e0ddb virt 00000000006beddb _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x4c90db
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #02 abs 0000005d430c3f63 virt 00000000006a1f63 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x4ac263
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #03 abs 0000005d42c3925f virt 000000000021725f _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x2155f
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #04 abs 0000005d430d4773 virt 00000000006b2773 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x4bca73
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #05 abs 0000005d42c350df virt 00000000002130df _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1d3df
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #06 abs 0000005d42c363df virt 00000000002143df _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1e6df
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #07 abs 0000005d42c3634b virt 000000000021434b _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1e64b
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #08 abs 0000005d42c35b43 virt 0000000000213b43 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1de43
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #09 abs 0000005d430d33c7 virt 00000000006b13c7 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x4bb6c7
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter :     #10 abs 0000005d42c35ab3 virt 0000000000213ab3 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1ddb3
      07-07 20:45:40.558 14721 14767 E flutter : 

      I also played around with the compatibility settings, but to no success.

      Screenshots of how it looks like:

      • lberrymage Another thing to try is ensuring you have native code debugging enabled in Settings -> Security.

        That made the application start, and I was able to successfully sign-in. I reproduced it: Disabling native code debugging again makes the app closing again after login.

      • I installed the sandboxed Google Play Services as documented. Now, the Google Play Store always nags me to update the Play Services. What can I do to prevent the Google Play Store to update Play Services and instead rely on the updates via the GrapheneOS Apps app?

      • Welteam Can you confirm that this happen with the GOS camera app?

        It does not only happen with the GOS camera, but with every app accessing the camera.

        Welteam Also do you have the green camera indicator before you open the app?

        No, it only appears after opening the app.

        Another thing I noticed: The slowness / lag only happens when the camera hasn't been used for some time. When the camera was used right before, it's ready relatively fast.

      • It's happening on the Pixel 4a (5G)

      • Opening the camera app (or any other app which uses the camera) takes around 5 seconds until the camera is showing a picture. What can I do to speed this up?

      • MetropleX have you granted the app all the relevant permissions it asks for as listed in their FAQ

        Yes, all permissions granted.

        MetropleX nd can you please contact the bank and ask them if they require SafetyNet ctsProfileMatch or have any dependencies on Play Services if you have:

        So I asked them, but as expected, they have no clue:

        GrapheneOS wurde von uns nicht getestet, daher können wir nicht garantieren, dass es funktioniert. Dasselbe gilt für Android SafteyNet, wir haben keine Möglichkeit das zu testen.
        Google Play Services werden für Notifications gebraucht, die App sollte aber auch ohne Google Play Services funktionieren.

        Automatic translation to english:

        GrapheneOS has not been tested by us, so we cannot guarantee that it works. The same goes for Android SafteyNet, we have no way to test that.
        Google Play Services are needed for notifications, but the app should also work without Google Play Services.

        In the meantime I've upgrade to Android 13, but it still just vanishes on login.

        • To be on the safe side that there is no stale corrupt data around, I deinstalled the app and did a fresh install from Google Play Store, but still the same behavior. After entering the pin code, the app just closes. Entering the wrong pin properly tells me that the pin is wrong, and the app stays open, so I can try again.

          • It's in a profile with sandboxed Play Services. The app is installed via the official Google Play Store, not Aurora Store.

          • Today I tried the new Google Wallet App. While it requested additional permissions for the Play services, it also didn't work. After adding a card the app complained that the device seems rooted or otherwise insecure and stopped the process of adding the card. Is there a way to get Google Wallet working on GOS?

            • I'm trying to use the Neon banking app on GrapheneOS, but it crashes on login. I've installed it via the Google Play Store - it has the App id

              I also tried to see a crash in adb logcat, but couldn't see any meaningful message why the app crashes.

              Any ideas?