
  • Aug 4, 2023
  • Joined Jun 21, 2023
  • spiral

    The screenshot displays all services (I made sure before posting). Maybe the phone was rebooted or something (I don't remember), but it was charged to 100% in the morning, and was at 20% at 11pm with 1hr screen-on time. I could make another test tomorrow or Sunday.

    And yes, this even happens on a fresh GOS install with ZERO additional apps installed.

    Note: I restart my device when writing this, and I noticed that before the reboot, the System CPU 'service' was respnsible for 7% of battery use. But opon the device restart, this 'service' and its battery use is no longer reported in the battery stats at all. I am not too sure what is going on here, but it seems the info reported may not be too accurate.

    Note 2: Same issue was evident in Calyx and Lineage, which would indicate a hardware problem, but I am PRETTY sure stock OS worked just fine for me in May after Google issued a server-side patch (battery issue was common problem on stockOS in early May). I might flash it next week and triple-check.

    • spiral

      Couldn't reply earlier due to travel.

      It does not matter if the Signal is strong or weak. Same result. Even if I toggle data/WiFi off, the battery will still drain (bit less) until I toggle Airplane Mode. As mentioned in OP, I did not have this drain last year before switching to other OS's.

      The screenshot was showing the battery depleting from 100%.

      • Hi,

        I have seen a couple of posts regarding battery drain but the typical response to those seems to be along the lines of "Let the phone run for a week or two and the OS will balance out its resource use". I have been running an install of Graphene for over a month.

        I have also ran this OS last year and had zero battery problems, but I had to migrate to Calyx and stockOS for a college project.

        Returning here, my battery drain is extreme, but Calyx faced similar problems. WiFi, Mobile Data (4G), Phone idle, sometimes System (CPU) are all responsible. Even if I don't use the phone, and wifi/data are disabled - The battery will not outlast 24 hours.

        This drain seems to stop when I switch the device into Airplane mode. This drain does not occur on stockOS, and GOS installed/uninstalled makes no difference. Even after fresh installs, connectivity would drain resources.

        The screenshots attached are from a day with approx 1hr screen-on time.

        Does anyone else face this issue? Is there an app allowing me to see and measure when/how much data the phonesends somewhere? Any advice?

        Thank you.

        ----- App configuration ------ (This problem still exists even if i didnt install extra apps)

        FOSS stuff: FairEmail, NewPipe, Signal, Music Players, etc.
        Proprietary Apps: WhatsApp, Gboard (no network), Google Photos (no network).