
  • Joined 10 days ago
  • Thanks @polmolompa and @binom ! I checked using the 2025030900 and the "easy-ride" feature is still not working for me.

    @binom I guess that @Franco is referring to this https://grapheneos.org/releases#2025030900 change:

    Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add implementation of isGoogleLocationAccuracyEnabled() to the location rerouting implementation always returning true to fix compatibility with apps checking for it

    About the fix: in @polmolompa 's github issue there is a workaround which solves the issue! (spoiler: enabling the sandboxed Google-Play "improve location accuracy")

    • @binom @Franco do you have any contact with any Fairtiq app developers? maybe we can poke them?
      From the analysis it looks like the new GrepheneOS Location feature (overtaking the G location service) is sadly causing the issue :(

      • Joining @binom as I am experincing the same issue.
        I was able to get it pass the "location accuracy too weak" (not sure if I enabled the WiFi scanning), but the app is still not able to get the location, and displays the message "Determining location..." forever