
  • Feb 7, 2024
  • Joined Nov 6, 2022
  • other8026 sadly this is many restarts with many camera setting changes later

  • Experiencing an odd issue with torch. I cant seem to use it via the pulldown toggle which says camera is in use. Camera app cant seem to use either.

    Seems to be a known issue related to google camera (which obviously im not using). Any insight?

    • you are a king among men (or queen among women), not sure why it didn't seem to work when set as when using the app but giving it blanket permission seemed to do the job. nice

    • Sorry i should have said i have also installed speech services, still not working.

      • Not sure if this is a known issue but I can't find any mention of this. I've installed duolingo/mondly and a couple of other language apps on my newly graphened pixel 7 pro. Doesn't seem to matter if this is in my owner profile or my secondary with google services installed none of these seem able to use the microphone.

        Anyone able to offer insight - is this a bug or just a limitation?

        • Many thanks unwat, seems a little excessive to access things on my private vpn. I ended up installing brave as it doesn't seem to be overly concerned once you disable ssl only. Not ideal but as I'll only use for these it'll do

        • Sorry for the newby question but I've been unable to find any related answers

          I run a nas with various dockerised instances of radarr/sonarr etc. which I add as PWAs. Is there anyway to turn off the insecure alerts on these?