Totally understand it's up to my own comfort level. Thanks again.
- 24 days ago
- Joined Jul 17, 2022
I know it's been asked 1000 times whether the Fold WILL be supported, but I was wondering
what the timeline looks like. Obviously, you can't tell us exactly when, but is there a general idea of how long it will take? I'd hate to pre-order the phone, get it in July, and then have it sitting around for months unused....Thank you again for all that you guys do.
I was having this same issue, and @matchboxbananasynergy solved it for me!
This is something that Play Services expects to be there, so it asks you to install it. There was recently a change to make it not ask you anymore, but maybe you installed Sandboxed Google Play before that change and that's why you're still being prompted.
You can either:
1) Install it and uninstall it.
2) Install it and disable it.
You shouldn't be prompted after doing either of the above.
That seemingly worked, thank you!
Both methods seemed to have worked!
Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere, I did a search....
This past weekend, I opened the "Apps" app, and I had a constantly moving progress bar that says, "Syncing metadata." Hours later, it was still there in all of my profiles. I rebooted, signed in/out, etc. but nothing fixed it. About 36 hours later, it was gone.
Then yesterday, it happened again. It's been about 24 hours later, and no change.
Any clue what's happening?
I'll try each of those in a different profile, thanks for the fast response!
I am very new to GOS, just a few days in fact, so I have some more in-depth questions I will ask in another Post, but the first crazy weird thing I am having issues with is that in two different profiles, it seems that the Google Play Store is self-installing an app? "Google Play Services for AR." I've never seen it succeed with installation, but at least once a day, I see the installing icon.
Am I doing something wrong?