Hi, Which front end are you using for Lingva?
I found no app called Lingva on Fdroid but a few front ends came up.
PS: Very good of you to put your setup on GitHub.
I found it very useful.
Hi, Which front end are you using for Lingva?
I found no app called Lingva on Fdroid but a few front ends came up.
PS: Very good of you to put your setup on GitHub.
I found it very useful.
Maybe some day we'll figure this out once and for all.
In the mean time, I'll leave mine set to Automatic.
User2288 oes Molly always bypass the Play notifications?
Molly Foss does.
I see now, what you meant.
I should have paid closer attention to your original posts.
On a brand new pixel 7 with latest build, toggling airplane correspondingly toggles bluetooth on and off.
But to see it clearly, I had to pull the curtain down all the way or the words on/off aren't visible in the bluetooth button.