
- Joined Feb 2, 2024
Just another lunatic buzzing around the interwebs
W1zardK1ng you're my hero.
I've had Voice for a while but struggled to find Audiobooks for it. I had no idea you could download from Audible.
Up until now I had Audible in another profile. It was very annoying when I would get something like a Signal message in my main profile and would need to stop Audible to take a look.I found an alternative conversion process for anyone that doesn't want to download and run that project on their machine. This is for Linux with
$ ffprobe <your audio book>.aax 2>&1 | grep checksum
will show
checksum == <the books checksum>
Then you can paste that checksum into this page to resolve the checksum.
It will find the activation code for you and show you how to run the conversion on your operating system.
Mine were of the form$ ffmpeg -y -activation_bytes <activation value> -i '<aax file>' -codec copy '<output file>.m4b'
If you use m4b instead of m4a you should also get chapters showing up in Voice.
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Proton all the way.