
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • Joined Jan 6, 2023
  • There is a difference in the graphene ImsMtelManager implementation, could this be causing issues?

    >      * Registers a {@link RegistrationCallback} with the system, which will provide IMS emergency
    >      * registration updates for the subscription specified in
    >      * {@link ImsManager#getImsMmTelManager(int)}. Use
    >      * {@link SubscriptionManager.OnSubscriptionsChangedListener} to listen to Subscription changed
    >      * events and call {@link #unregisterImsRegistrationCallback(RegistrationCallback)} to clean up.
    >      *
    >      * When the callback is registered, it will initiate the callback c to be called with the
    >      * current emergency registration state.
    >      * Emergency registration callback is available when there is valid SIM card.
    >      * <p>This API requires one of the following:
    >      * <ul>
    >      *     <li>The caller holds the READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE permission.</li>
    >      *     <li>If the caller is the device or profile owner, the caller holds the
    >      *     {@link Manifest.permission#READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE} permission.</li>
    >      *     <li>The caller has carrier privileges (see
    >      *     {@link android.telephony.TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}) on any
    >      *     active subscription.</li>
    >      * </ul>
    >      * <p>The profile owner is an app that owns a managed profile on the device; for more details
    >      * see <a href="https://developer.android.com/work/managed-profiles">Work profiles</a>.
    >      * Access by profile owners is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    >      *
    >      * @param executor The executor the callback events should be run on.
    >      * @param c The {@link RegistrationCallback} to be added.
    >      * @see #unregisterImsEmergencyRegistrationCallback
    >      * @throws ImsException if the subscription associated with this callback is valid, but
    >      * the {@link ImsService} associated with the subscription is not available. This can happen if
    >      * the service crashed, for example. See {@link ImsException#getCode()} for a more detailed
    >      * reason.
    >      * @hide
    >      */
    >     @SystemApi
    >     public void registerImsEmergencyRegistrationCallback(
    >             @NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
    >             @NonNull RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback c) throws ImsException {
    >         if (c == null) {
    >             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must include a non-null RegistrationCallback.");
    >         }
    >         if (executor == null) {
    >             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must include a non-null Executor.");
    >         }
    >         c.setExecutor(executor);
    >         ITelephony iTelephony = getITelephony();
    >         if (iTelephony == null) {
    >             throw new ImsException("Could not find Telephony Service.",
    >                     ImsException.CODE_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
    >         }
    >         try {
    >             iTelephony.registerImsEmergencyRegistrationCallback(mSubId, c.getBinder());
    >         } catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
    >             throw new ImsException(e.getMessage(), e.errorCode);
    >         } catch (RemoteException e) {
    >             throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
    >         }  catch (IllegalStateException e) {
    >             throw new ImsException(e.getMessage(), ImsException.CODE_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
    >         }
    >     }
    >     /**
    >      * Removes an existing {@link RegistrationCallback} for Emergency IMS registration.
    >      *
    >      * When the subscription associated with this callback is removed (SIM removed, ESIM swap,
    >      * etc...), this callback will automatically be removed. If this method is called for an
    >      * inactive subscription, it will result in a no-op.
    >      * <p>This API requires one of the following:
    >      * <ul>
    >      *     <li>The caller holds the READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE permission.</li>
    >      *     <li>If the caller is the device or profile owner, the caller holds the
    >      *     {@link Manifest.permission#READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE} permission.</li>
    >      *     <li>The caller has carrier privileges (see
    >      *     {@link android.telephony.TelephonyManager#hasCarrierPrivileges}) on any
    >      *     active subscription.</li>
    >      * </ul>
    >      * <p>The profile owner is an app that owns a managed profile on the device; for more details
    >      * see <a href="https://developer.android.com/work/managed-profiles">Work profiles</a>.
    >      * Access by profile owners is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    >      *
    >      * @param c The {@link RegistrationCallback} to be removed.
    >      * @see android.telephony.SubscriptionManager.OnSubscriptionsChangedListener
    >      * @see #registerImsEmergencyRegistrationCallback(Executor,
    >      *                                 RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback)
    >      * @hide
    >      */
    >     @SystemApi
    >     public void unregisterImsEmergencyRegistrationCallback(
    >             @NonNull RegistrationManager.RegistrationCallback c) {
    >         if (c == null) {
    >             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must include a non-null RegistrationCallback.");
    >         }
    >         ITelephony iTelephony = getITelephony();
    >         if (iTelephony == null) {
    >             Log.w("ImsMmTelManager", "Could not find Telephony Service.");
    >             return;
    >         }
    >         try {
    >             iTelephony.unregisterImsEmergencyRegistrationCallback(mSubId, c.getBinder());
    >         } catch (RemoteException e) {
    >             throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
    >         }
    >     }
    >     /**

    I don't fully understand yet what the consequences could be.

    • Still doesn't work for me on Android 14,
      graphene version 2024090400.
      Would be nice to have backup calling.
      I tried this guide: https://github.com/kyujin-cho/pixel-volte-patch/discussions/272,
      even read the linked code with the comments about the required conditions (which were true in my case) and it still doesn't work. Is ImsMmTelManager.java patched in some way in graphene?

    • I know graphene doesn't fully pass safetynet. But my watch does. Do I need it on the phone too to add a card ?