
  • 3 days ago
  • Joined Dec 31, 2024
  • ThP my bad @Franco , I overread that in the changelog. Yes, that seems to be specifically about this issue. Like @ThP and @polmolompa , the new build does not work out of the box for me, but the workaround mentioned on github does fix it:
    Settings > Apps > Sandboxed Google Play > Google Location Accuracy > Improve Location Accuracy > turn on
    -No need to disable "Reroute location requests to OS"
    -No need for Google Play services to have location permission

    here is @thestinger on github's comment for reference:

    It won't be used if location rerouting is enabled but the idea is that apps may still be checking it. We think that's the issue and we're working on it.

    • Thanks @polmolompa and @binom ! I checked using the 2025030900 and the "easy-ride" feature is still not working for me.

      @binom I guess that @Franco is referring to this https://grapheneos.org/releases#2025030900 change:

      Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add implementation of isGoogleLocationAccuracyEnabled() to the location rerouting implementation always returning true to fix compatibility with apps checking for it

      About the fix: in @polmolompa 's github issue there is a workaround which solves the issue! (spoiler: enabling the sandboxed Google-Play "improve location accuracy")

      • Thank you for the heads up, @Franco
        Will test it as soon as I get the option. I would be confused by this though, seeing as this release does not seem to change anything around location services.
        @polmolompa thank you so much for opening the issue. I wasn't sure where exactly to take this, so it's good to see it has a home now. I will head over there and see if there's anything I can do to help out. I did not know you could disable google play location rerouting as a workaround, that's good to know for now.
        We may still need to try and bring this up with Fairtiq developers to see if there's anything they can / are willing to to on their end.

        • ThP likes this.
      • @binom @Franco do you have any contact with any Fairtiq app developers? maybe we can poke them?
        From the analysis it looks like the new GrepheneOS Location feature (overtaking the G location service) is sadly causing the issue :(

        • As a general update to the SBB EasyRide issue:

          apparently, "Network Location" under Settings > Location > Location services is a requirement for the EasyRide feature to work. Disabling it reliably causes the "location accuracy too weak" error.

          As @ThP and @Franco mentioned, the "Change location permissions" button does nothing when tapped.

          There is a location based timetable in the same app, which still works without issues, even though the EasyRide part is non functional.
          This reminded me that EasyRide is a service that's actually integrated to the SBB by a third party, called Fairtiq. They also have their own app, just called FAIRTIQ. I tried downloading that one and signing up for an account. After registering, it is showing exactly the same behaviour as the SBB App:
          With Network location disabled, it's showing "Limited access to your location" with a link to a generic help article. With it enabled, it's stuck on "Searching for stations..."

          Sadly both apps don't seem to write anything useful to the logcat logs.