
  • Oct 31, 2024
  • Joined Sep 16, 2023
  • Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
    mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
    ché la diritta via era smarrita.

  • other8026 I don't work for Google, so I can only guess, but I'd say that their end game is to make money? They make money selling devices at the very least. Alphabet / Google already have their browser and their OS, but their hardware ventures haven't been as successful. It's a logical next step.

    They're a data company (their primary revenue model is data).

    • [deleted]

    Dante make sure in Vanadium > Settings > Site settings > Protected content is set to allowed

    • As a 'boomer' the question is pretty demeaning.

      The question should be referring to setting someone who is not technologically 'savvy' on GrapheneOS.

      Just like Kottonballs - I teach my kids tech... have set up my own privacy router, my own nextcloud server, my own DNS, etc...

      Ageism is discrimination. I am guessing the question wasn't meant to be mean spirited - but maybe that is the problem...

      • tynd . One paid app I use a lot won't even run unless Play Services is installed AND I'm logged into Google on the account on which I purchased the app

        Not good.

        Maybe name them in another thread? Other users may have alternates or know of ways around this.

        As a new GrapheneOS user the past month It's been a big search to find apps unentangled with Google services. I was frustrated, for example, by FairEmail which.only appeared to offer a Play Store version. In fact I just wanted to donate to the creator for the plain version shortly after I learned that I liked it but I was unable to find a way to pay him except through the Play store. I finally did discover that I could not only donate directly but also get the Pro version for a donation without the Play Store getting involved, and how active the creator was in the alternate OS community.

        Good luck!