I saw many news and talk about Cloudflare Reverse Proxy.
Some people even trust Cloudflare so much that they don't even want to add SSL Certs in there Origin Server.. 😅
In "http://crimeflare.eu.org" shows they are bad in many ways!... the main reason they are bad cause they act as "MITM" which of course needed if proxy use layer 7 proxy!... and they advertise them as a "Zero Trust" (I don't know what they truly mean by this "maybe that means they don't have access to users unencrypted traffic") Don't know!..
That's why i am here for asking some expert suggest!

Is it good to use Cloudflare Reverse Proxy? If yes why? If no why?

Can i trust cloudflare? If yes why? If no why?

Is Cloudflare Try to do anything wrong with user data (like modify on the go)?

Is Cloudflare Proxy (companies devs or people) can look peoples unencrypted traffic data?

Is cloudflare sharing unencrypted traffic to govs?

Your own opinion of Cloudflare why you use it or don't want to use it!
I know its off topic!... but i just don't know the best place to ask about this opinion....

Sorry for my Bad English!... and Sorry for this Off Topic.

I think like all things, there is trust involved but also your threat model level.

Do you have sensitive financial documents that you need to access on the road? Use wireguard on your server.

Hosting a public self hosted website? Ckoudflare proxy is a great solution IMO

Their business model is based around making money off corporate and businesses and so their freemium ethics of giving away stuff free for individual home users makes a lot of sense. I'd be worried if they only provided "free services" but I trust them at least with non sensitive data. Better than leaving port 443 open to the internet IMO and let them block all the threats before my server is hit.