have already used macbook to deploy grapheneOS to pixel phone and it works great.

now i would like to do it again; to remember all the steps. however, i cannot seem to see the device the second time. using the exact same setup as the first time.

what am i missing?

here are the commands i ran (just like the first time) and it just hangs:

(base) # ./fastboot --version
fastboot version 33.0.3-8952118
Installed as /Users/bulldog/develop/android/platform-tools/./fastboot
(base) # ./fastboot devices
9B011FFAZ00AXC fastboot
(base) # ./fastboot flashing unlock

i was able to redeploy/reinstall graphene os overtop of graphene os multiple times... so that is great.

now i am trying to use a linux vm on virtualbox to do the same. however, virtualbox doesnt seem to connect to the droid.

any ideas?

the issue with the vm was permissions on the usb...
to fix it had to change permission by adding a file => /lib/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
add the following:

#map the xxxx and yyyy from the results of the lsusb
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="xxxx", ATTR{idProduct}=="yyyy", MODE="0666", GROUP="wheel"

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