I can't get this app to function properly on Pix6 w/ GrapheneOS. The acct works from Win PC, but I can't log in via android. Errors include "Something went wrong" (duh) and "Forbidden". I am not tech saavy..

    Kolbeb Are you using a VPN by any chance? sometimes that may prevent an app from working when attempting to sign in.

    If you used aurorastore to install the app then it may be problematic and the reasons are explained here:

    Installs the wrong variant of apps by default due to not searching or fetching apps based on device model

    Please follow this guide step by step guide for possible work around solutions to trouble shoot the app:


    Ok, I just attempted to reinstall the Park Mobile app through Play Store and the response was "This app won't work for your device." It won't allow me to proceed. I ran through your checklist, incl disabling my VPN. Same series of errors. I guess if Play Store says it won't work, it won't work. The work around will be using my browser not the app. Thank you!

    4 months later

    I was able to successfully install and launch ParkMobile.

    1. Sideload from Aurora
    2. Turn off app GrapheneOS protections for compatibility
    3. You have to use Google Sign In for login . I used my bound credit card, I would be surprised if ParkMobile let you use a custom one.

    All done!

      5 months later

      ParkMobile (a subsidiary of EasyPark Group from Sweden) is blocking devices that do not pass SafetyNet attestation in the following ways that I have discovered:
      1) They block download of the app from the Play Store
      2) If you install the APK by sideloading it, then when trying to login to a pre-existing account by email address or phone number, you will get the "Something went wrong" and "Forbidden" messages.

      The level of attestation that they want extends to even devices running stock manufacturer firmware (unrooted) but with an unlocked bootloader.

      This also extends to parking apps for specific municipalities that ParkMobile has branded with municipal branding, such as ParkBoston.

      This can clearly be seen in the logcat logs for the app:
      D unknown : LaunchDarklySdk: returning variation: {true,0,null} flagKey: feature_native_attestation_forcing_refresh_enabled context key: <redacted>
      D unknown : LaunchDarklySdk: returning variation: {true,0,null} flagKey: feature_native_attestation_enabled context key: <redacted>
      D unknown : LaunchDarklySdk: returning variation: {true,0,null} flagKey: feature_attest_reset_passwordless_enabled context key: <redacted>
      I PlayCore: UID: [REDACTED] PID: [REDACTED] IntegrityService : requestIntegrityToken(IntegrityTokenRequest{nonce=<redacted>, cloudProjectNumber=<redacted>, network=null})
      I PlayCore: UID: [REDACTED] PID: [REDACTED] IntegrityService : Initiate binding to the service.
      I PlayCore: UID: [REDACTED] PID: [REDACTED] IntegrityService : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.integrityservice.IntegrityService})
      I PlayCore: UID: [REDACTED] PID: [REDACTED] IntegrityService : linkToDeath
      I PlayCore: UID: [REDACTED] PID: [REDACTED] OnRequestIntegrityTokenCallback : onRequestIntegrityToken
      I PlayCore: UID: [REDACTED] PID: [REDACTED] IntegrityService : Unbind from service.
      D unknown : Error returned from API. code: 403 body: App attestation failed.

      cflewis I used my bound credit card, I would be surprised if ParkMobile let you use a custom one.

      What do you mean by that @cflewis ? "bound" to what?

      8 days later

      And yes I can also confirm that using a Google account for sign in (single sign-on with Google) seems to get around this issue without any changes to the device configuration. In other words the issue only occurs if you try to login with a username and password or email verification link. I am not using GrapheneOS.

      I did not try an Apple account single sign-on.