The fingerprint bug on the secondary profile seems to be fixed but now the main profile has a glitch on every single unlock! After entering the pin the screen stucks on the lockscreen / or opened app for a few seconds before it finally unlocks. Sometimes the dial for pin reappears. The home gesture doesnt work afterwards. This is a severe bug that makes the phone unusable. Please fix asap.

P.S. switching profiles takes longer time after the last update too (shows switching screen)

P.S. 2 shapes that appear when typing pin are annoying (probably from google)

Fixed for now:
Rebooted twice. At the second reboot I got no valid system. When I powered on again the bug dissapeared. Will update if something comes up.

I still encounter this issue switching to main profile. Now I'm on Android 14, it also happened on a second profile..

The Bug appears again in Main profile after switching once from the secondary.

Please fix this asap

Have experienced this pretty often before the Android 14 update too. Haven't seen it after upgrading. A reboot usually fixes but it'll come back here and there.

It's annoying but not a huge issue for me.

    • [deleted]

    • Edited

    I'm going to pile in too. The bug by no means makes the phone 'unusable' or anything, but it's a major annoyance. I'm disappointed to see it wasn't fixed with Android 14.

      [deleted] I unlock my phone and all gestures and navigation freeze. How is this usable? There was an update yesterday that didn't fix this.

      zkz I haven't had this issue until the latest update. Its not just annoying. When I unlock on an open app everything freezes and I cannot return to homescreen. I have to lock the phone again and repeatedly try to return to home while it still glitches.

      • zkz likes this.

      The bug seems to appear if you switch from secondary to main profile without "ending session" if that is any help to the devs...

      • zkz likes this.

      3rd update in the row that doesn't fix this issue. I cannot use my phone without constantly rebooting. please fix this.

      • de0u replied to this.

        huggy 3rd update in the row that doesn't fix this issue.

        Now that you've had substantial experience, can you say what is the simplest and most-reliable way to reproduce the problem? For example, is it worse if you switch away from a profile with an app in the foreground? Is it worse when you switch to the owner profile when it has an app in the foreground? Are certain apps more or less likely to trigger the problem?

        For others here, have you observed this on a device that isn't a Pixel 7 Pro?

        Overall, it would be good to have a GitHub issue filed with precise reproduction instructions and which devices are/aren't affected. Do we have enough information yet to achieve that?

          de0u I just switch to secondary profile, open an app (doesn't matter which one) then switch back to Main without ending session, and unlock the phone. That's all it takes to glitch all navigation functions. Only rebooting the phone solves the issue.

          Also when I am ending session in secondary profile it takes more than 5 seconds to switch...

          11 days later

          Glitch appears on Pixel 5 too after most recent update. Fixing it by enabling Scrambling PIN under Settings won't fix it as suggested in other Posts. Bugs appears only on Main Profile.


          I have the same problem with the Pixel 8 Pro. In most cases, unlocking with the fingerprint now works without problems for me.

          But every now and then there are moments when the switch between the main and secondary profile makes it impossible to unlock with biometrics or the bug described by @huggy with the home gesture occurs (for me, it affects not only the home gesture but also the "back button" and the swipe up for open tasks).

          To provoke the error I switched back and forth between the profiles several times with different settings. For me, at least, it doesn't seem to be due to whether an app is open in the foreground - the error also occurred when no app was open yet and I immediately switched the user profile afterwards. It also doesn't seem to make a difference (for the bugs described above in the main profile) whether you switch profiles or exit the second profile with "end session".

          Restarting always fixed the problem - but was not always necessary - sometimes biometrics suddenly worked again after I switched back and forth between profiles a few times.

          Update: In the meantime, it is no longer only a problem with biometric unlocking:

          Moreover I often only get out of apps if I lock the screen once and then unlock it again (If I'm lucky, it works with biometrics, otherwise I have to enter the password every time for the workaround).
          Sometimes when I lock the screen, I can still see the app semi-transparent on the lock screen.

          Backbutton, change keyboard language (I use the standard Graphene keyboard), recent app view - all does not work - The device does not respond to any of the mentioned gestures.

          After restarting everything works again, but as soon as I have switched 1-2 times to other user profiles, the behavior occurs again.

          I only use the Owner Profile (in my other profiles - with the exception of the error with biometric unlocking - the described problems do not occur) to install apps, so the errors don't affect me as much - but if I only had this profile, I'd say the phone isn't really usable in that state.

          Edit: I'm using a P8Pro.

          12 days later

          I believe the bug affects the Launcher app. If you can manage to access settings and force quit Launcher the problem goes away without reboot. However I just discover another bug: Ending session in secondary profile removes any widget placed on home screen.

            The error still occurs for me (only in the owner profile) - but the workaround described by huggy (force quit standard launcher) is the one that works best.