• General
  • Notifications Pop-Up Settings

I am moving from Apple which had excellent popup settings for notifications. I am finding in Grapheneos some apps have pop-up notifications while I am using the phone and watching videos etc. Other apps do not.

I have all the notification settings correct. On Apple and I believe in previous versions of Android you can choose for each app if you want just Lock Screen, Badge, Pop-up or all of them.

Is this settings available in Grapheneos? From example I am getting some Pop-up notifications but apps like Discord and X are not popping up. They just show when swiping down. I have Google Play Services connected to Network, Nearby Devices and Location.

I am wondering if an app already has one notification in the menu it does not show others from the same app as a pop-up.

If this setting does not exist is there any additional software I can add to Android to manage this?