I currently have MySudo installed on my GOS Pixel 6 Pro via Aurora Store. I previously set it up on an iPhone and used the Import/Export feature to get it onto the Pixel. That's all great, however, I don't get notifications; I have to open the app and manually refresh to see new items.

I tried installing GSF through the Apps, then uninstalled and re-installed MySudo; this didn't work to get notifications up and running.

I found this community post from MySudo advising someone to sideload their APK and also the sandboxed Google Services Framework APK and the Google Mobile Services APK.

Before I give up on my "pure" GOS phone, can anyone let me know if installing these has worked to get MySudo notifications and calls up and running for you? Or was there some other procedure or order of operations that I didn't try?

Thanks for any help in advance!

    caturday to get notifications to work you need to install ALL 3 of the Sandboxed Play Services.

    Uninstall mysudo and any Play Services (GSF, Play Services, Play Store) you have installed already and start clean.
    Open the 'Apps' app in the app drawer, locate Play Store and tap install. This will take care of all 3 packages and install them in the right order.
    You should give a battery optimization exception to Google Play services for features like push notifications to work properly in the background. It isn't needed for the other 2 apps.
    Initialize them by opening the Play Store and tapping sign in (You do not need to sign in to an account simply tapping the button and waiting for the login screen to appear is enough, unless you wish to login to a Google account of course.)
    As per: https://grapheneos.org/usage#sandboxed-google-play
    Install mySudo.

    Doing the above will allow mySudo to detect Play Services on first use and in turn register the availability of FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging Googles push service) on the device. Notifications should then begin to work, if they don't then granting a battery optimisation will be necessary.

    Please let me know if this resolves the issue.


      On a somewhat related note, I’m always curious as to best practices of using mysudo to achieve better privacy. Any tips you can share through your experience using it?

        MetropleX Great success! Thank you for the excellent instruction. I was hopeful we wouldn't require all three but MySudo notifications are working now. It was not necessary to grant the battery optimization.

        The only point I'd add is to ensure you allow notifications for MySudo after installing it. Easy step to miss! It was not necessary to allow notifications for GSF, Google Play services, or Play Store.

        It continues to work if you disallow all permissions for GSF, Google Play services, and the Play Store with the exception of Network for Google Play services.

        Kenny33 I'm not sure about "best practices" -- I just use MySudo to segment whomever I want to communicate with in a way that makes sense to me.