Today my Pixel 6 dropped connection on two calls mid-chat. The same thing also happened a few days ago. The Pixel 6 goes silent for a few seconds, then disconnects.

I looked online, and see that many other Pixel 6 users are having this 'dropped connection' problem.

Can anyone offer tips specific to a Pixel 6 running GrapheneOS? I'm now on Android 13, Build number TP1A.220624.021.2022082400. Preferred network type: 5G.

  • abcZ replied to this.

    Honestly, its far more likely that your network was giving you a bad time than your phone.

    Well, I've had issues with the network before, but this issue with dropped calls appeared only with the Pixel 6. (And never with a Pixel 4A using GrapheneOS) Related threads:

    However, I haven't tried the Pixel 6 with the SIM of another provider.

    On cellular connection or VoWiFi? I've had this happen to me with the latter due to WiFi dis/reconnects, which seem to happen far more often with a Pixel 6 than any other handset I've owned.

    Try and create reproducible steps and do some testing, noting the following:

    • Signal Strength
    • Connection type 5G, 4G/LTE, 3G, WiFi
    • Connection Change between the above.
    • Preferred Network Type Status (Preferred or Only)
    • VoWiFi and VoLTE provision status (*#*#4636#*#* & Phone Info)
    • If using VoWiFi your WiFi Signal Strength, proximity to router and whether on 2.4 or 5 Ghz, are you using one SSID for smart switching or do you separate them, what other devices are connected and is there QoS at play on the router.

    Not exhaustive but gives you an idea of what to look for when troubleshooting.

    Also the 4a and the 6 use different cellular modems. The former being Qualcomm and the latter being Samsung so not exactly plausible to do Apples to Apples comparisons.