• [deleted]


I definitly want a unencrypted version of my files, I just don't trust Cryptomator enough.

Regarding Filen.io without going into too many details, I never experienced such a bad/disrespectful support ever from a company.

matchboxbananasynergy As that is the case, I would most likely trust my (encrypted) data with a company like Google, as I believe they offer the most reliability,

Google has proven to be pretty reliable, with only occasional widespread outages.

There was a time when I could not get into my biz (gmail) account (used only for testing reception of important list email, and for using Google webmaster) no matter how many 'reset' mechanisms I tried over and over. It turns out that I was being blocked for using IPV6 but that took a long time to determine. Now I am concerned that Google could lock me out for any reason at any time (like they want my mobile number as a tracking index key but will not actually state this).

With respect to using their service, could you share what Google's obligation to keep and make your data available to you is, and their privacy policy when you connect to their services (using your connecting IP, metadata, etc.)?

[deleted] I prefer not to host at home, I don't have the knowledge to ensure a good level of security for my own infrastructure.

and another good reason is physical. It increases the risk of losing all your data in a fire, flood or theft. Hosting at home may require a backup somewhere else.