Mattias I'm also concerned about the very broad 'Files and Media' permission. On iOS there are a couple permissions: 'Add media only' where the app cannot read existing media, and 'Selected media only' where you can pick individual photos to be accessible to an app. How can I achieve such granular control?
Hi Mattias, thanks to strictly enforced scoped storage on Android 12.1 you can know for certain what files have access to, apps that use storage but just their own private area will not require use of the Files and Media Permission.
Apps such as GCam will be restricted to access MEDIA only under the permission model. This tends to also be the case with apps targeting up to date API/SDK levels in regards to Gallery apps etc and this will be outlined under the permission tab for Files and Storage as MEDIA ONLY.
If you take SimpleMobileTools Gallery as an example though under the same Files and Storage Permission you will find 3 options: Don't Allow, Allow access to media only, Allow management of all files.
It is the latter, Allow management of all files, which is the one to be wary of, any app requiring (MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE), under Android 12.1 should be limited to:
File managers
Backup and restore apps
Anti-virus apps
Document management apps
On-device file search
Disk and file encryption
Device-to-device data migration
Any app other than that is likely targeting an outdated SDK and/or malicious. Even then apps within that list should be treated with caution if granting said management of all files element of the Files and Storage permission.