Everything in camera app works normally only front camera video. Front camera photo works only the video that does not.
Popup says:

Failed to opem camera due to an OS or hardware issue. Try rebooting.

I tried rebooting but it does nothing :(

Anyone has any idea how I could fix this?

  • [deleted]

I have one in front of me at the moment. Works fine.

  • de0u replied to this.

    [deleted] I just recorded brief front and back videos using the built-in recorder on a 6a running GrapheneOS (TQ2A.230505.002.2023051600).

    You might have a hardware problem. It might make sense to back up your data and flash back to the stock OS. If the problem persists, it very likely will be hardware.

    Whatever you find out, please report back.

      • [deleted]

      de0u wrong mention