Whenever my phone is connected to my home Wi-Fi, my battery is dropping by about 5-10% every hour. After a night of staying on Wi-Fi, my phone will drop from 100% to nearly 60%, sometimes worse. When using the stock Pixel OS briefly before installing Graphene OS I was not experiencing this problem at all, with standby drain on Wi-Fi at less than 1% per hour, and maybe 2-5% overnight. This is similar to what i've gotten on my 4g mobile data connection on both stock Pixel OS and Graphene OS.
Some observations:
- When looking at my "Battery usage" stats, the Wi-Fi module is showing as the top battery draining process, and there are clear changes in the slope of the battery percentage curve when I go on and off Wi-Fi.
- Going on "Data saver" doesn't make a difference.
- Changing the Wi-Fi configuration from Unmetered to Metered or Restricted doesn't make a difference.
- I have barely any other apps installed in my main profile. The only apps that could be using the internet are Vanadium and Element, both of which are set up to behave exactly the same on Wi-Fi and mobile data.
- I've reset my modem and router, and my router is configured with the same SSID and password on both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz bands. Changing this and forcing my phone to use either one or the other also doesn't make a difference.
- Changing the DTIM Interval setting on my router from 1 (the default) to 3 didn't make a difference. The rest of my router settings are at the default. My router is an Asus RT-ACRH17.
Happy to provide any diagnostics that might be useful and really hoping to find a solution to this, since using my phone at home for high data consumption tasks is really a drag right now!