• General
  • KDE Connect SMS Loads Endlessly

I'm using GNOME on Arch Linux.

I've paired the devices with KDE Connect successfully and managed to transfer files. I can send pings. I get all notifications. I can send clipboard data. Pinging works. However, when I open the KDE Connect SMS program on my computer, it tells me:

Loading conversations from device. If this takes a long time, please wake up your device and then click Refresh.
Tip: If you plug in your device, it should not go into doze mode and should load quickly.

It hangs on this screen for more than 30 minutes. Running the command in the terminal produces no useful output. Clicking Refresh does not do much.

On the phone:

  • The devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • I have bluetooth enabled.
  • I have the Send SMS, Telephony, and Contacts Synchronizer plugin enabled on both devices.
  • I have Call Logs, Contacts, Network, Notifications, Phone, Sensors, and SMS permissions enabled for KDE Connect.

I tried this on Sway first, with the same result. I don't know whether this is a GrapheneOS permission issue or not.

Addendum—there is some output:

no addresses! "" 
no addresses! "" 

Here is the whole output, including that which I've deemed irrelevant:

Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "(C) 2018-2022, KDE Connect Team" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "SMS Instant Messaging" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "KDE Connect SMS" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Simon Redman" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Aleix Pol Gonzalez" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Nicolas Fella" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "id" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Select a device" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "message" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "Send a message" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
qrc:/qml/ConversationList.qml:26:9: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/ScrollablePage.qml:200:9: QML MouseArea: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/ScrollablePage.qml:200:9: QML MouseArea: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight"
no addresses! ""
no addresses! ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "%1" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""

Note that I have 2 contacts in my SMS application, which matches the two no addresses! output lines. These conversations have 4 messages between them.

Additionally, I have Do Not Disturb mode on, but have added KDE Connect as the sole app which can interrupt me for All Notifications.

One more data point: if I use the search box to search for a contact and click one, I can send SMSes. It will not, however, appear in the log. I can also receive SMSes in notifications...I just can't read the history of SMSes.

Kind of annoying, but technically functional for my purposes.

I recently discovered that I only get notifications for SMSes from Contacts. If it's from a number that has never sent an SMS to me before, I won't get the notification.