Any difference doing system restore to factory or a new web install?

The former (factory reset) wipes just your data via the data and cache partitions, reflashing effectively does the same to the rest of the paritions but shouldn't really be necessary unless you have been using your device for development.

What is the use case prompting the question?

Hi MetropleX,
I'm not a developer so half of my question is solved.
My enquiry was about of my playing around with installing and unininstalling apps, GSF, GPS, Aurora Store etc.
I wanted to know if all this may affect the GOS stability, if is living many left over, if is needed to clean cache and how to do it and the like.
So can be advisable to do a system restore after all this or the system is managing it without problems?

    italian_job using your device how it is intended doesn't need any special reset. Regardless of installing Play Services or any other app they are treated all the same. So unless you'd feel compelled after uninstalling any other random app to factory reset or reflash then you'll be fine.

    Best thing to do while experimenting would be to do it in a secondary user after which if you wish to sanitise you can just delete the user.