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  • Signal App Push Notification Standby

So I'm bought a new pixel 7, installed Graphene OS after doing all regular updates. Works perfectly fine. Then had an issue with signal, couldn't register my new pixel, only when I installed the google services. After registration I deleted them, cause I don't want them on my phone. But now Signal seems to go to standby if not used, when I open the app I can see the messages coming in afterwards, on desktop application they get in directly. So of course I also don't get push notifications cause the app isn't working constantly.

I put Signal on no restriction for battery, enabled all notifications and disabled the option for stopping permissions and notifications if app is not used.

What else could I do? Do I really need the google services? Threema works perfectly fine without them..


    • [deleted]

    Ganger55 since you installed signal from google play, it is the version that relies on google cloud messaging. Delete it, go to
    Install it from there. One installed, go to app info, battery usage and set it to unrestricted. Don't touch it afterwards. It will work well. Not as well as whatsapp for argument's sake but it will. Good luck

      [deleted] Thank you, I installed the apk directly from signal.org. Just installed and used google play services for the number registration, then deleted it. Also set battery usage to unrestricted already and it didn't change. But still thx for reply. :)


        Signal detects Google Play is installed when you set it up, so it uses the Google for push notifications. Uninstalling Google Play, Google Play Services, and Google Services Framework after setting up Signal will just result in the same thing.

        If you want Signal to handle its own push notifications, you need to set up Signal with all three of the Google Play apps not installed.