• [deleted]

lcalamar the folder should open when you tap and drag the app while holding, so drag it over it, wait until it opens and let go. Try placing the app on the homescreen first before moving it in. Other than that, sorry I can't help you. It works for me on 6a without fail.

    [deleted] Yes - was able to add more than 3 apps to a folder.

    Placing the app on the homescreen first seemed to be what solved the issue. Also - I grouped my apps in folders first... so my homescreen had a lot of empty space - and they may also have helped.

    Thanks for the help! (sticking on Neo-Launcher for now as it is working for me now)

    andrewteg I'll second lawnchair as it's very similar out of the box and has some nice customizations. It's in the Play and Aurora stores as well and who doesn't like a good pun?

    People should be aware that the version of Lawnchair in Play/Aurora is very old (version 2), has not been updated since 2019, and is unsupported, although curiously it is still considered the stable version. The version on F-Droid is even older and definitely should not be used. The most recent version, 12.1, is available only on Lawnchair's website, https://lawnchair.app/, or on github, https://github.com/LawnchairLauncher/lawnchair, but is considered alpha software.

    The faq on Lawnchair's website, to explain all this, states:

    V2 is the latest stable version of Lawnchair. It has many more features and is more stable, but is now outdated and unsupported. On the other hand, 11-12.1 is a complete redesign from scratch. Not all features have been re-implemented yet, but it does have Material You and all the new Android 11-12.1 features.

      cb474 Thanks - I've installed 12.1 of Lawnchair - testing it out now. So far - so good. It does seem very similar to Neo Launcher. What are some of the main differences between the two?

      Since I don't really use many 'features' in a launcher (never use a launcher's "at a glance" or built-in widgets (just use app widgets). It may just be that GOS launcher does 100% of what I need?? All of the launchers I'm trying out seem to work well (GOS, NEO, Lawnchair) - so I just keep swapping one for the other to see what differences I find!

        lcalamar (researching further - it seems that Neo Launcher is partly based on Lawnchair?) That may be why they seem so familiar)

          lcalamar I haven't tried Neo Launcher so I don't know anything about it. But thanks for pointing out the connection to Lawnchair. I have installed Lawnchair 12.1 and it seems stable so far, even though it's labeled alpha software. But I've only been fiddling with it for a day now.

          Really, I'm fine with the GOS launcher, except I hate the black and white, high contrast, icons on the stock GOS apps. To me, they are glaring and kind of hard to look at. Enabling themed icons make them less harsh on my eyes, but then it themes some of the non-stock apps' icons, which I don't want (I like the icons all being different and colorful--I don't want them to all look the same). I was hoping a different launcher could resolve this, but so far not really.

          3 months later

          Neo-Launcher is buggy and it has been a long time since its last update. I am still using it begrudgingly, to be honest, all of these projects seem rather half-assed or unmaintained. I would use the GOS built-in launcher, but the damned icons can't be resized to anything larger than a pea bean! So this is the only reason why I bother with other launchers - I need icons at least as big as the iOS ones.

          lz-numn-rnn any app which is updated regularly and have the lawnchair's feature of swiping on an app/shortcut to open another app/shortcut?

          4 months later


          Great list of recommendations!

          I tried a few (on my old Samsung); my favorites for my future GrapheneOS setup are:

          1.) Kvaesito
          2.) KISS
          3.) honorable mentions: OLauncher

          Unfortunately, I had the impression that especially Kvaesito consumes noticeably more battery - what are your experiences with this?

          4 months later

          I was using Evie Launcher for years and now sadly cannot install it on my new P8P because the apk is abi v7 only :-(

          The GOS stock launcher has fixed rows/columns so I am looking for an alternative where I can customize that, and with proper widget support. It's pretty frustrating, haven't found anything yet, tried a lot launchers from fdroid and izzy repos, searched on git...

          Lawnchair (12 and 14 releases) and Neo Launcher (latest) don't work at all, as others already reported in this forum. They lag/freeze, and in my case, even the folders are completely broken, no folder name, no background, the icons are just "floating" on the screen, no more than 4 apps per folder, as more seem to get lost. And the terrible lag of 10-20s when swiping up from the bottom - there was an upstream issue with that, which is marked as solved, but not for me as of today. Futhermore, widget support/customization is missing/broken too.

          To me the launcher is crucial to UX, how come that current android versions or whatever else causes launchers to be that broken? What did G change to completely break apps like lawnchair/neo launcher that way?

          I'm really frustrated as I can't seem to find a launcher that works with custom row/column settings (and doesn't spy on you). I cannot proceed setting up my new phone without a proper launcher, too central to me.
          Any hints? Much appreciated, thank you.


            I'm with you on this and it's a bit fruatrating, yes.

            I use Nova Prime (sans Network Permission, ofc) in my main user profile with no issues. Nothing comes even close to the robust options and customization available with this launcher. But I understand that a proprietary, closed-source app such as this will not be well-received (and rightfully so) by most here...network block, notwithstanding. I just can't quit those features, myself. (FWIW, I puchased N Prime 10yrs ago and sideload it in GOS.)

            However, on secondary profiles, I can only use the stock one because the App Switcher key/button fails with 100% of all other launchers. Nova, Lawnchair, Rooted Pixel Launcher...all of them. I've seen this issue mentioned before but no solutions.

            I'd like to have the option of uniformity between profiles. If only the stock launcher at least supported icon packs. If I could get the "OLED background/white line Arcticons" look everywhere, I'd happily drop Nova Prime.

              ezlover I use Nova Prime (sans Network Permission, ofc) in my main user profile with no issues. Nothing comes even close to the robust options and customization available with this launcher. But I understand that a proprietary, closed-source app such as this will not be well-received (and rightfully so) by most here...network block, notwithstanding. I just can't quit those features, myself. (FWIW, I puchased N Prime 10yrs ago and sideload it in GOS.)

              I've no issue buying software to support the dev's efforts. But there's the thing with trust, and apps being bought by companies that just want to make the most possible bucks $$$ without any respect. And 2nd, I do not want G involved (anymore) in stuff I buy. So probably 99% of any paid app isn't an option to me anymore.

              ezlover However, on secondary profiles, I can only use the stock one because the App Switcher key/button fails with 100% of all other launchers. Nova, Lawnchair, Rooted Pixel Launcher...all of them. I've seen this issue mentioned before but no solutions.

              That's not a non-owner issue only. I've been testing several 3rd party launchers the last days and I have the problem that app recents lag 10 to 20 seconds. I doesn't happen everytime I open recent apps, but quite a lot, too much. Today I found that swiping up from the bottom, sometimes several times, is the only way to interrupt that recents freeze. No other user input seems to processed.
              I've no clue what and were's the root cause, but to me it's a total show stopper. 20 seconds of freeze is an absolute no-go.

              ezlover If only the stock launcher at least supported icon packs

              If it at least would support more than 5 rows of apps icons. P8P has got a big screen, 5 rows is a waste of space.
              No clue what an effort it would be to fork AOSP Launcher3 and change some (hardcoded) column X row numbers....?
              I'm so badly frustrated atm, new phone, but spending days on evaluating launchers... d'oh!

              alex_herrero IIRC you need to grand network permission while you registrer the license. After that you can revoke it again and everything will work just fine except you obviously can't use the build in search the web.

                trilogy6202 oh, so network permission to upgrade to prime, then no network. Yeap, that's what I thought. Thanks for confirming!

                But once in a while it tries to reconfirm your prime, isn't it?

                  TRInvictus I'm really frustrated as I can't seem to find a launcher that works with custom row/column settings (and doesn't spy on you)

                  Just get nova (free) and call it a day.

                  Last year i tested a number of launchers and concluded that lawnchair and nova were the best. I stuck to nova for the ability to have no bottom bar. Another interesting option in case the above two don't work is Hyperion. Proprietary, but robust.

                  alex_herrero Dunno, I only switched over to Nova Prime a few months back but I haven't been asked to reconfirm yet. Honestly I don't think you'll be asked to reconfirm unless you reinstall the app, and persnonally I wouldn't even worry too much if I had to grand network access for 2 min every half year or so.

                  Nova I a great launcher and I haven't looked back since I switched over. You'll get 90% of the way the free version, Only paid features I really missed was notification badges and custom swipe shortcuts.

                  • de0u replied to this.

                    trilogy6202 Personally I wouldn't even worry too much if I had to grand network access for 2 min every half year or so.

                    If one is worried about an app maybe leaking information, blocking the app from communicating most if the time is very different from really blocking it, because an app can buffer up whatever data it might want to leak and send it out whenever it can communicate.

                      de0u fair point. For Nova Launcher I don't think it's necessary to provide network access again after initial registration of the Prime key.