Hi, I just bought a brand new pixel 7 pro specifically for using it with GrapheneOS, so thats the first thing I did right out of the box. I love the OS and all its features but Im having a BIG problem with messages notifications and calls from apps like Telegram and Session. If the phone is locked without using it, I dont receive any notifications or calls (normal phone calls yes, but no apps) and then after I unlock the phone and open the app, I get all the notifications at once. Maybe I randomly get notifications but always after 10, 20 or 30 minutes... thats too late because usually I get like 5 missed calls and I just realize after 30 minutes. How can I fix this ?

Thank you so much !


    Do you have Google Play installed? And if so have you changed its battery settings to unrestricted?

    I didnt install Google Play, I downloaded all apps from Aurora Store, is that okey ? I just tried to switch to battery usage unrestricted from the phone settings and its the same, only receiving notifications after I unblock the phone. Its very strange never happened before in 10 years using telegram with samsung, iphone and oneplus, not sure if its the pixel or the grapheneos.

    Thanks and I hope to be able to fix this :(

    Any advice ? Im still trying to fix it without success. Already checked all the settings for notifications, battery, privacy and still not working. Im afraid I will have to refund the pixel 7 and continue using samsung :( I really like the grapheneos but its useless for me to have the most secure phone in the world if Im not able to receive calls and messages, thats the main use of the phone.. I dont care much about camera or other stuff.

      It is written 'You should give a battery optimization exception to Google Play services for features like push notifications to work properly in the background.' I am not sure if this is only necessary for Google apps or applies to notifications from all apps.

      Personally I haven't installed it and think I noticed a delay in Whatsapp notifications but this requires further investigation.

      Problem solved ! I installed Google Play services and unrestricted battery usage and now its working 100%.

      Thanks !

        • [deleted]

        Betito69 Another one who gave in to G. I don't understand you guys. Convenience is not everything. I know you are just trying to get things to work, but there are alternatives for crying out loud!

        a month later

        Good morning,
        I have a 6A and the same thing happened to me.
        With Signal it works perfect
        With Telegram, Teleguard etc it gives me the same problem
        In order for it to work, I have to get into the application for the messages to arrive, even so, Telegram gives problems for calls and video calls
        It can not be solved without downloading google play services?
        I've talked to someone else and they don't have those problems
        What could it be ?