Currently considering between a tidy setup or not depending on how it might affect battery life of my daily usage. It's a trade off between usability and tidy-ness.

Has anyone tested or has experience in battery drain using following setup?
Main profile - Stock
Second Profile - Signal/secure Messaging apps
Third Profile - Google Play and all social media/nonsense app


Main profile - Google Play and all social media/nonsense app
Second Profile - Signal/secure Messaging apps

Is the battery drain between first or second setup noticable ?
Can someone provide expectation of extra % drain per hour of having active profile running in background without any other than stock apps.

Pixel 7

    First is the right approach, but it's only my opinion. On main profile you should have all apps so you can update them and port the to other users. You can have all apps on main profile without permissions and disabled. And aurora can still update them if there are disabled.
    Main profile should not be used with Google spyware. Only empty or with disabled apps for updates only.

    Just end sessions when you are finished with a profile. Have in mind that 3 active profiles can drain battery fast.

    Main profile and one other one active user has not so hard baterry impact.


    I started out using the owner profile for everything then later factory reset my phone and started to use a secondary profile for everything, leaving owner empty.

    Honestly, I prefer it this way for many reasons, but your question is about battery life. I haven't noticed any difference. I've ended my regular use secondary profile session a few times to save battery or for whatever reason. Keeping just a tidy owner running uses WAY less battery if necessary.

    Anyway, I don't continue with this setup because of battery usage. I keep it this way for other reasons.

    • dlb replied to this.

      unwat Keeping just a tidy owner running uses WAY less battery if necessary.

      Also if you have all apps on owner but disabled is the same thing I belive