Hello , i'm very new to this and I'm sorry if this has already been posted but I looked around and all I could find were very diplomatic and dry replyes, whiteout very clear directions... I hope my post can bring some clarity about the usage of tor on graphene OS, at least for myself .
-Question 1 : I have set up graphene as a WiFi only phone. Which means usually if I want to use it when I'm around, I'll have to use my daily driver phone as a hotspot, which has a VPN. Now the question is : can i use tor on graphene os, even if the hotspot is redirecting traffic to a VPN? I know there is absolutely no added benefit from doing so, it's just a matter of conveniency, i wouldn't like to have to shut the VPN down each time and reenable it after I'm done browsing with the graphene phone. It just isn't convenient but I'll be happy to do it if there was no other way and actually pairing tor traffic going through a mobile hotspot with a VPN would pose a threat to my anonymity on the web.
-Question2: I'm very new to this again, so I'm not really that much aware of the history of these two apps : orbot and tor browser. I just read the gist of it , so none are endorsed by the tor project and so on. But it's not clear to me if i should or should not use them both , or at least have them installed both , since I read in past posts on Reddit that one time it was necessary , nowadays the tor browser has orbot incorporated. So what is the state of thing regarding these apps? Is it necessary to have them both installed , and if not, how would I assure that my whole traffic from my apps go through tor if orbot is not installed (and using vanadium as a browser to navigate Tor net)? And by reverse, how would I go online with the Tor browser if i already had orbot running as a VPN , already redirecting everything to tor and over that i would have a Tor browser attempting a connection to Tor again ...it doesn't feel right and i fear it would fall into a loop.
Thanks in advance for any clarifying reply to my noobish conundrums!
Have a nice day