Thanks for your advice.
Well I knew LineageOS that i used to use because I'm intereated in privacy for may be 8 years now. After I used Calyx because i'm also interested in security. When i installed Calyx, i could use Graphene but at this time the compatibility with GServices was rubbish. I was happy with Calyx (hope not to be ban to say this here) Then I heard (by Graphene) that MicroG has security issues and that they finally sandboxed Gservices. So I switch to Graphene. Except this problem of lock screen by pattern, I'm happy with Graphene. Apps are slower to open on Graphene than on Calyx but i accept it because it's for a security purpose.
I didn't now ProtonASOP (is there a link with protonmail that i use ?). It seems they use microG.
I'm not an expert at all but i know how to get to aim.
When i installed Calyx i simply type "android OS privacy", read some articles, note that for every day use and privacy, Calyx was the best. After i heard about security, i wait that Graphene raise up their level of everyday use and switch to them.
Today, I'm pretty happy with Graphene which answer to my preoccupations : Everyday use, privacy, security. It just lack freedom. Freedom to adjust your security level.
If you know an OS answering all this points, I would be happy.
Best regards