Hey, I just wanted to ask, if someone got the "assistant voice typing" and "auto punctuation" offline in GBoard working? Both options can't be turned on on my Pixel 6a. What is working for me: the speech recognition by google speech services is running fine offline and I can also turn on and use the option "faster voice typing" in gboard. I would like to try the speech recognition models that google claims are enhanced compared to earlier generations. Thank you in advance!

I'm not sure it's possible to get Assistant voice typing activated - I tried but was not successful.

If you follow "Learn more" link that is next to the grayed out "Assistant voice typing" switch, it mentions that "you may need to update the Android System Intelligence app" - I read that it needs it in order to work. Also, I interpret "Assistant" typing would depend on Google Assistant. I've tried installing both apps above but the switch to activate "Assistant voice typing" never got enabled.

I've allowed a few days with network permissions enabled for Google Assistant and Android System Intelligence (even though it designed for offline use specifically) to see if they would get some kind of update to "hook" into the Gboard but it never happened. I've removed both since then and gave up on the idea enabling Assistant voice typing as its benefits were marginable at best and, in my opinion, not worth the requirements.

    f13a-6c3a I'm also interested in enabling voice typing of some sort on the pixel and if possible to take advantage of the hardware benefits.

    I guess my question is two fold.

    1. Is it possible to have "speech to text" at any level in a private way in grapheneOS?
    2. Is it possible to utilize the hardware improvement of pixels and use it speech to text in grapheneOS? (in a private way ofcourse).

    Any help would be appreciated.

      Offline typing is working, this thread is about Assistant voice typing which is .... kind of offline voice typing on steroids that can interpret and insert punctuation, interpret edit commands, faster. I think it utilizes Google Assistant. This voice typing doesn't work

      5 days later

      The biggest problem is, that there is no punctuation. It makes the offline speech to text imo useless.
      One interesting thing is, that the google dictate (recorder) app is working offline and has punctuation.

      What are the missing here?
      @MetropleX Is it still working for you and with punctuation?

      My setup on a Pixel 7 pro:
      All GOS Playstore/-service things enabled.
      Gboard does download sound files and is 308mb in size
      System and keyboard languages are set to english US primary and german as second.