I've noticed that there's evilcorp's logo in the passwords and accounts settings menu, underneath "passwords" and above "autofill service" - is there a way to remove the logo? will the logo reappear when installing sandboxed google play?

I think it's just an artifact of installing and/or logging into the Play Store at least once before on the phone. In order to get rid of it, I think you need to reinstall the Play Store (and possibly log in), then revisit that menu and remove Google as a password manager/auto-fill service. That's what worked for me when I was first testing GrapheneOS.

    its still there :/
    I've re-enabled play store and logged in, tried to remove google as password manager by switching off all the options, restarted, then I removed my google account again, uninstalled play store and restarted the phone to find the logo again underneath "passwords"

      prompter that's odd because I too had the entry, but was able to remove it after reinstalling Play and disabling the password service. It's possible that the necessary setting is within the Play Store itself, but I don't recall having to change anything within the store app to remove that entry under the Accounts and passwords menu.

      it's in settings - passwords and accounts - at the top of the screen underneath the word "Passwords" there's the G logo and "Google" text and when tapping on it I'm asked to log into my google account.

      below is the "Autofill service", (bitwarden in my case) and when tapping i can choose between none, google, or bitwarden.

      and at the bottom there's the info about "Accounts for owner"

      so I've tried to re-do all the steps above after reinstalling play store and logging in; to attempt to remove the G logo and text what order is best? first to uninstall play store and then remove the account, or vice versa? thanks in advance!

      did everything from scratch and the artifact G logo and google text remains :/
      I am willing to reinstall GOS again just bc of this, and next time I'll make sure never to login into my google account. its a burner account but still, I just find it annoying to see the logo there.

      the only thing is that I've switched to fedora recently so I'll use the CLi instructions. anything I'd need to take into consideration before re-flashing?

      thanks and br

        thx for the screenshot and yeah, that's what I'm seeing too and it's bugging me (:

        seems it appears when any gms app is installed, I thought and hoped it relied on the play store only since I need gsf for banking and stuff.

        wdym tho by deleting and setting up my google profile?

          You said you installed the Gservices in a secondary profile, not in the owner, so you could easily delete the second profile and set it up again.
          But that wouldn't solve your problem, because after you installed the Gservices, it will occur again.

          You'r right, it seems to be connected to Gplayservices or Gplaystore, in my main user profile i got GSF installed for Gcam and i didn't show up.

            nope I never said anything about a secondary profile, i see it in my owner profile. but in any case, I won't get rid of it bc I need gsf.

            thanks for your help!

              Sorry my bad, you meant your burner google account.

              But like i said above, i installed google service framework in my main profile(second profile, because of tidy owner setup)
              and in > passwords and accounts , there is no G artifact

              I tested it in a fresh profile, and it seems to connected to PlayServices.

              GSF only: NO "GoogleArtifactAccount"

              PlayServices only: "GoogleArtifactAccount" is shown

              Store must be the same with "GoogleArtifactAccount", didn't tested, because it will install playservices anyways.

              Maybe it's is because you installed playservices and store once, and the relic is still shown after de-installation.
              I guess, if it's bugging you so much, you could, like you mentioned above re-flash your device.

                removed play store and then play services, the artifact disappeared and reflash avoided! :D

                thanks a lot for your help!