Can any od these scenarios happen theoretically the current way it's coded. Either through some app bug or other situation.
Durrss pw is set to 123456 just for illustration.
A) bitwarden asks for pw, i enter pw Xyz123456@
Can this possibly trigger duress?
B) BFU pw someone enters XyZ123456#
Will this trigger duress?
C) fingerprint +2nd factor
Someone access fingerprint but enters pw
Will this trigger duress?
D) Typing a 123456 in Vanadium at any page or setting screen. Can this trigger duress or it is just impossible.
E) Dialing a person with phone number 010-1234567
Can dialer possibly trigger duress?
F) Using a banking app or Aegis, with pw 123456 or 012345678 can this trigger duress?
G) Any app which is setup to unlock with fingerprint, will it unlock with fingerprint +2nd factor or only finger. And if 2nd factor types 0123456 will it trigger duress?
I want to know if there is technical possibility that i could trigger duress not by purpose basically