• General
  • Strange bug while split screen

Tried split screen 2 apps one from personal profile and one from private space.

Suddenly the system started acting out and be extremely buggy. Random taps being registered, actual taps not getting registered etc. The whole UI freezing out until a full system restart.

Please fix ASAP.

To be able to better localize the problem, further information would be helpful, e.g. which device and build you're on, additional information (e.g. device is hot, which two apps you're using in split screen etc.) and what measures you have already taken (beyond the restart you already mentioned). Logs or screenrecording/video of the behavior might be helpful too.


    Pixel 6a: build 2025030900

    As I mentioned, one was from main profile and one was from private space.

    Microphone access was active for one of the app