Has anyone opened the pixel to see if anything nefarious?
What makes you so worry about a secret nefarious hardware that's injected during the production level? If you truly believe that there are these kind of hidden chips spying on its users, you should throw away every single electronic device you have and start looking for homing pigeons.
One who is having really severe trust issues is completely left at ones own devices. No ready made computer except if personally built from scratch, no ready made operating system except if personally built from scratch, only apps built personally, no off the shelve smart phone except home built from scratch, no standard cpu except home built from scratch, etc. etc.
Hey, one's gotta put some trust in things and people building and producing them, AND a system of checks and balances. Otherwise there's little left than to go live alone on a desolate island.
That said, there has been recent proof of devices tampered with at the fabrication stage and exploding by command.
And while I am not able to control the ins and outs of my devices, I choose to trust the makers and those in a position to perform checks and balances.