Headset : Huawei freebuds 6i
Phone : pixel 9 fold
Available and Working only AAC and SBS codecs.

In developers mode :
No LDAC in HD codecs selector.
Ldac quality option is disabled.

In application "AI life" :
No soud quality selection. No option.

With honor v2 magic this headset work via LDAC out of box. Without app, or any developer options.

Seems that GrapheneOS in pixel 9 series has problem with LDAC.

P7p with grapheneos the same situation.

I have investigated logs :

type: logcat
osVersion: google/comet/comet:15/AP4A.250205.002/2025021100:user/release-keys
buffers: main,system,crash,events,kernel
level: verbose
filterRegex: ldac

--------- beginning of main
02-15 02:02:44.750 1002 31619 31636 I bluetooth-a2dp: system/stack/a2dp/ A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
02-15 02:02:44.750 1002 31619 31636 E bluetooth-a2dp: system/stack/a2dp/ init: cannot load the decoder
02-15 02:07:00.420 1002 1134 1193 I BTAudioCodecStatusAIDL: system/audio_hal_interface/aidl/ UpdateOffloadingCapabilities: disabled offloading capability=AudioCapabilities{a2dpCapabilities: CodecCapabilities{codecType: LDAC, capabilities: Capabilities{ldacCapabilities: LdacCapabilities{sampleRateHz: [44100, 48000, 88200, 96000], channelMode: [DUAL, STEREO], qualityIndex: [HIGH], bitsPerSample: [16, 24, 32]}}}}

18 days later

I use a Qudelix 5K with mine and LDAC works great. Screenshot Obviously a different output device but Graphene and the P9F are able to handle the codec.