I was in Norway some time ago and being close to the russian border, it is know publicly that US intelligence is very active in this area. (The locals even joke about the US personell there, calling them something like "Uncle Sam's bunnies") One day, I received a strange contact request from an profile with a phot that seemed to be a professional (like, photo ID) photo shoot of a young asian woman with long hair, blue or grey background. I didn't recognize that woman. The message she sent was extremely generic, like: "Hi, how are you? I believe we've met." ... I don't remember the exact wording, as I immediately rejected the request and deleted the chat and I couldn't take a screenshot, since Signal doesn't allow to do that by default.
I had Graphene OS on a Pixel 6a installed. Since then, I've installed Molly and deleted the Signal app. The internal integrity and security tests never returned any errors.
However, a few months later, a family member received the exact same request. Since WhatsApp was recently hacked by Paragon, resulting in hundreds of journalists smartphones being remotely accessed, I got very alert.
Has anyone made a similar experience? So far, I couldn't find any similar documented case online.