I am currently running my owner profile and a "google" profile. If I understand correctly, play services/store has to be installed on the main/owner profile before it can be enabled in supplementary profiles.

AFAIK, I have only one app in my owner profile that requires play services. (mediamonkey) This was a special apk sent to me to use since I've been a vip for years, but I've never logged into the play store on my owner account, nor does has play services/store ever had the network permission. I also understand that any app on the same profile can know about any other app on the same profile.

So I'm curious that if I ever enable the network permission for google even without logging in, would it immediately collect all information available to it (in the current profile), and report it to daddy the first chance it got?

As I've been installing apps in my migration from standard android, I've needed to troubleshoot some apps and would like to know what I'm opening myself up to if I gave some permissions to google services/play. I noticed I have not allowed the Notification read, reply & control for google, but when I tried to enable it I noticed it is pretty invasive should it want to be, and I don't want to allow it even for testing if it's going to access my messages, or any other sensitive data.

I'm just trying to fully comprehend what I'm doing as much as I can before doing something I can't take back, and possible corrupting my profile with google's tentacles.


    gaffka If I understand correctly, play services/store has to be installed on the main/owner profile before it can be enabled in supplementary profiles.

    No, that is not true. Just install Google Play from GrapheneOS App Store in your secondary user profile.

      ryrona Ahh, that makes sense. I was treating it like one of my obtainium apps instead of a core app.

      I'd still want to keep it in my owner profile to access my music if there is no danger, but I'd move off of it if I had to.


        gaffka why do you need Play Services to access music? What app doesn't work without them?

        I mentioned in my question that mediamonkey used play services. I've used it for many years and would rather keep using it if possible. It doesn't require network access, but won't work without play services, and I don't want to switch profiles to listen to my music.

          gaffka you don't need to. Just install Play Services in Private Space or in a work profile created through Shelter. This won't really hinder your experience, except clicking a tile/button to activate them. Been doing it like that, I don't even notice it anymore.

            DeletedUser87 Thanks, I'll look into what and how to use shelter. As long as everything works the same, I'm not opposed to clicking another button to get to my music.

            My original question still stands though just so I know and understand what I'm exposed to by allowing some permissions to google services/play.
